Saturday, November 3, 2012

May first mix média canvas!

Hello Bloggers
I have been wanting for a long time to start with Mix Media .... for me it's simply fascinating to see the results of all those techniques when they come together in a single canvas... Do not forget this is my first... but not my last.
Sous son regard même les fleurs scintillaient.

 Here you can see the texture of the butterfly and the textile flowers added to the flower bush.
8 x 8 canvas.
I have to give credit to my very talented & patient teacher Mel Cardin from Passioncollimagination!

I always like to know what you think of my artwork... comments are appreciated.


Louise @ Mme Boitatou said...

Je trouve ta création très inspirante, d,autant plus que c'est ta première!!!Ça promet!!! said...

wonderful job - love the colours and textures

Therese said...

Great job!! Very nice effect with texture and colour!
