Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cahier de cuir Nubuck leather book

English will follow

Ce petit cahier de 18cm x 16 cm  a été travaillé avec 2 peaux de cuir.  Entre les peaux j'ai collé des nervures et ensuite il a été mis sous presse ce qui a créé les effets que vous pouvez voir.
J'ai choisi le point pamphlet pour coudre les pages du cahier. Un bouton, fait à partir du cuir brut de la doublure intérieure,  sert de fermoir avec les courroies.

This small book of 7inches by 6 inches was done with 2 layers of leather.  In between I have adhered leather strips and then it was placed under press, to create the effect you can see. 
I have chosen the Pamphlet stich to sew my inside pages.  The fastener was done with the same leather as the inside cords where added to finalize.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Francine: I love the beautiful work you do with the bookmaking. I was blown away a year ago with your books and these are even more amazing. You are a very talented lady.