Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm sooooooooooooooo happy

I can't believe it ... I sold my first book today. In my post on " Bird Journal " I mentioned that I left the handmade book to a small shop for sale. I was hopping they would sell it but I was realistic!!!! Well they did and I can't tell you the feeling to know that someone loved my work enough to buy it... I never sold anything before.... it's hard for me to let go of what I create.

Who ever you are if you read this please know that you made me a very happy girl!!!


Chris in Oz said...

Woo Hoo!!! Congratulations. You must feel so excited.


wwilloww said...

How awesome!!!! I bet you are happy!!! I would be too. Now you have to make another!!! And another... and another...